Események betöltése

« Összes Események

ICCECIP 2024 6th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection

november 7november 8

The „ICCECIP 2024—6th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection” will be held this year as part of the Hungarian Science Festival in personal form in Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering on 7-8 November 2024. The weather conditions of recent years have shown the importance of water, a prominent element of critical infrastructure in everyday life. Water, the constituent of living organisms, can be both a blessing and a curse. A lot of water can appear as a devastating price, while a lack of water can cause drought and famine.

The new motto of this year’s conference is “Water as a cardinal area of critical infrastructure protection.

The key goal is to highlight the unity of our region and give space for all researchers around the World, experienced and young researchers, and PhD students to share their latest results for the public. The region’s common historical and cultural past, as well as the common development path of the last centuries of continuous cooperation, connects our countries and lays the foundations for future common goals. The ICCECIP 2024 also serves to foster communication among researchers and engineers working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest. The meeting will provide an opportunity to highlight recent developments and identify emerging and future growth areas in this exciting field. Also, the conference program includes oral presentations and poster sessions from scientists working in similar areas to establish a platform for collaborative research projects in this field.


november 7
november 8
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Calendar of Események

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CyberQuest ctf.

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Katonai Kibertér 2024

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Hacktivity Konferencia

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WITSEC szakmai nap 2024

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Hacktivity 2024

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VI. Kiberbiztonsági Játs(s)zMa

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VI. Kiberbiztonsági Játs(s)zMa

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